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Update WP Bakery in Woodmart

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  • #75527



    How do we update our version of WP Bakery in your woodmart theme?



    You can navigate to the Appearance > Install plugins and update. If automatic update does not work, update manually:

    1. Upload the recent version of the theme from Themeforest account.

    2. Navigate to Plugins and deactivate the current plugin, you will see “Delete option”, delete the current plugin

    3. Upload the plugin archive from theme/inc/plugins/js_composer via Plugin > Add new > Upload > install > activate

    Best Regards



    We can just upload the theme update file to ftp and access the plugin there?
    Or do we have to install the theme and activate it in wordpress?



    You should have the theme already been installed and activated. So navigate to Appearance > Install plugins and try to update plugins if the option is available. (It should be)

    If you cannot update automatically, navigate to plugins and upload the plugin as described above, you download theme folder to your PC and then upload plugin from there.

    One more way to upload is via FTP https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/installation-process/

    Best Regards

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