Home Forums Basel support forum Urgent! Hide sidebar counters, store breadcrumbs plus

Urgent! Hide sidebar counters, store breadcrumbs plus

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  • #11979



    Please help us achieve the things shown in these screenshots:

    1. (A) We would like to hide the bullet points that appear for all sub-categories and their subs/children. See screenshot (on the left) https://s11.postimg.org/k3fr9bkyb/FIX_1.png (B) We want to hide the counter (numbers and brackets) that appear for items in the side bar. See screenshot (on the right): https://s11.postimg.org/k3fr9bkyb/FIX_1.png

    2. We need to hide breadcrumbs (including the tiny house icon) across all store areas, including the one for single product page: https://s14.postimg.org/5jayheblt/FIX_2.png

    Any directions or codes would be very much appreciated, to help us achieve these. Thanks!


    Artem Temos


    You can use the following code snippet

    .basel-woocommerce-layered-nav .count,
    .widget_archive ul>li ul li:before, .widget_categories ul>li ul li:before, .widget_nav_menu ul>li ul li:before, .widget_pages ul>li ul li:before, .widget_product_categories ul>li ul li:before {
        display: none;
    .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle {
        width: 2px;
    .widget_price_filter .ui-slider-horizontal,
    .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-range {
    .woocommerce-breadcrumb {




    1. Thank you so much for the fast response. We have put the code in ‘CUSTOM CSS’ area, in theme options, in admin. However, in the custom css page, there are 5 CSS boxes, do we need to put the same code in all 5 boxes to make sure that the code takes effect for all devices (as meant for each of the 5 boxes – PC, ipad, mobile phone etc)? In other words, we need this to also apply to all devices when you visit our site from any device. Please advise.

    We also need advice for the following:

    2. 0. Unfortunately the day that we installed the Basel theme, later that day you released an update for woocommerce. This means after adding so many ‘external’ affiliate products to out site, we now get the woocommerce warning “Your theme (Basel Child) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. You can see which files are affected from the system status page. If in doubt, check with the author of the theme.” Can you please give us a step by step guide for how to update this woocommerce, without logging all
    out ‘Theme settings’ which we have done and any content and product we have added to out site?

    3. We use our site for mostly affiliate products. We have added several products but in single product page, we don’t see a button that says “BUY ON AMAZON” liek it says on youe demo here https://demo.xtemos.com/basel/shop/other/flat-brands/yrum-parturt-egestas/ We see only ‘BUY NOW’. Please let us know how to sort this, we already added many affiliate products to the site.

    Thanks again for your help!



    Please see message below again, I fixed some spelling errors for clarity:

    1. Thank you so much for the fast response. We have put the code in ‘CUSTOM CSS’ area, in theme options, in admin. However, in the custom css page, there are 5 CSS boxes, do we need to put the same code in all 5 boxes to make sure that the code takes effect for all devices (as meant for each of the 5 boxes – PC, ipad, mobile phone etc)? In other words, we need this to also apply to all devices when you visit our site from any device. Please advise.

    We also need advice for the following:

    2. 0. Unfortunately the day that we installed the Basel theme, later that day you released an update for woocommerce. This means after adding so many ‘external’ affiliate products to out site, we now get the woocommerce warning “Your theme (Basel Child) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. You can see which files are affected from the system status page. If in doubt, check with the author of the theme.” Can you please give us a step by step guide for how to update this woocommerce, without losing all
    our settings and content we have put in our ‘Theme settings’.

    3. We use our site for mostly affiliate products. We have added several products but in single product page, we don’t see a button that says “BUY ON AMAZON” like it says on your demo here https://demo.xtemos.com/basel/shop/other/flat-brands/yrum-parturt-egestas/ We see only ‘BUY NOW’ for all products that we added from affiliate partners. Please let us know how to sort this, we already added many affiliate products to the site.

    Thanks again for your help!


    Artem Temos

    1. You need to add it only to global custom CSS field and it will be applied for all devices.

    2. To update the theme you need to download the latest version on ThemeForest -> Downloads. Then just reupload new theme via Appearance -> Themes but install this plugin firstly https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-theme-and-plugin-upgrades/
    Also, we suggest you make a backup of all your files before any update.

    3. You can read about affiliate products in WooCommerce in their documentation https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-products/#section-15


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