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Using existing demo blog posts blocks…

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  • #573327


    See pic attached.
    I am looking to take blocks from your demo blog posts and build my own template – just copy and pasting… but i see there is no way to edit in elementor, and when i press “edit post” the whole look of these categories disappears.. I assumed I would edit and build the blog post in elementor… what is the best way to add in the blocks from your demo blog posts????

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    Hung Pham

    Hello iamkane1,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    You can create a dev site and import any template there, then with the help of the import functionality of Elementor you can export Blocks, more detail is here: https://elementor.com/help/template-library/

    Devsite – also called a Staging platform where you can test issues, enable/disable features/plugins thus such changes will affect the main site. The below article will help you to create it:





    Hi I don’t want to to a dev site or a test site, bit over complecated for me, I just want to take blocks from your demo blog posts, surely this is a simple affair?



    See pics here for examples.
    It looks like a carousel on front end, but in the back end it is just images, what’s going on? I know i can probably find this in widgets but can i not just find and copy and paste it? Or am Iooking atit wrong?

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    Hung Pham

    Hello iamkane1,

    Can you please tell me which demo are you referring to? I will take a look for you.




    Hi see link in private.
    I like the layout of this post and others… But I can’t use it as template.

    If I make a product page I can edit in elementor easily, but here I can not.. See uploaded file, the edit in elementor tab does not click through, I don’t understand why… If I edit the blog post in normal mode (I think on WP side, the whole layout is broken and I can not easily add images or change to blocks (like the first block with a run of 3 images).

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    Hung Pham

    Hello iamkane1,

    Thanks for details.

    Somehow you disabled Elementor for Post type https://prnt.sc/RnpUO0DnXPZl




    Ah OK, thanks, this has worked!



    Just a question on layout.. ughh,,, see pic…
    Something was bugging me and I wasn;t sure what – but it’s the fact that the extra tabs block is at the very bottom.. I would like this under first section of the product page, the pics, price, add to cart etc… If you look at the link in private, you will see it is at the very bottom and detatched from the whole product page, I feel this is very important and needs to be directly under the first section (the static section you can’t edit in elementor).

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    Hung Pham

    Hello iamkane1,

    There are 3 default tabs of WooCommerce:

    + The Additional Information Tab: Shows when the Attributes are added under a Product. If the Attributes are not added then the Additional Information tab doesn’t show.

    + Description Tab: This is the main description on the product page.

    + Reviews: Used to show customers’s reviews.

    Navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > Single Product > Tabs. In the Additional tabs, you can remove Table title, Content to disable these https://prnt.sc/aiddjA_pEWmR





    Thanks, but…
    My question was – On my product page these additional tabs are at the very bottom of product page, below all of the added bllocks, right at very bottom of page, this is counter intuitive to good shopping experience, how can I move them to the very top, so they sit right ABOVE the “THIS STOOLS ARE ALSO DECENTLY STORED” below, see link in private..
    Thank you


    Hung Pham

    Hello iamkane1,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    I kindly recommend you to build Custom Product layouts, which is built with WoodMart WooCommerce builder, then you select predefined layouts or re-orders the sections as you want.

    I helped you to do that, please double check https://prnt.sc/PfL1bEoFLg7k

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/




    Thanks, i will play with layouts, never used it, I am sure it is not too difficult.
    Your template looks good.. I just may change the tab positions… But will play with layouts now.


    Hung Pham

    Hello iamkane1,

    Keep us in mind for future questions and concerns, we’re always here to help!



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