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Variation Swatches

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  • #324136


    Hi thank you for your help and support.

    I figured out how to load a gallery of images in variations for the color attribute. (I have it selected to display variations). And it works great.
    But I cannot understand how, for example, in the attribute the color black for each product separately, load a thumbnail.

    Now I see only the color that is assigned to the products – the attributes – colour – black.
    But how do I assign a photo to this attribute like in the photo? Please take a look.

    This is not suitable for assigning a thumbnail to products – attributes, because only one image can be uploaded there.
    And my products will have approximately 100 values ​​with this attribute.



    As per the screen you have provided, you have enabled the “Use images from product variations” and I see the swatch takes the image.

    Each variation has the main image and gallery, as soon as you add the main image for a variation it should be shown as soon as you chose: https://gyazo.com/960f60e93f9c1dbb4a588371f2bb1392

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    hi i did the right thing and checked the boxes but it doesn’t work.
    Third party plugins are disabled, but that doesn’t work either.



    You have one variable product uploaded with the demo, as soon as you change the color image changes: https://gyazo.com/ddee8fb5a4bda383bce705a246fcafd4 the same on the grid: https://gyazo.com/ddee8fb5a4bda383bce705a246fcafd4

    If you want to replace the color with the image from the variation, please follow this manual: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/variable-products-swatches/

    Best Regards



    I get it, but I’m asking you about changing the photo attributes in the miniature.
    For example:
    One attribute color: red. assign 150 products to filter by color.
    Select red for it so that the user can filter by simply choosing red.

    When he selects red, he sees a bunch of products with red. He goes to the product and sees that the product is variable.

    But, in miniatures (he sees not just colors, but miniatures of images of this product).

    It does not switch colors, it switches mini photos. Please see the example at the link.



    You need to enter each attribute item, remove the color and upload the image, also you need to enable the swatches. As the result, your colors in the filter would take the image from the attribute item settings.

    If you want to show a variation image instead of color on the product page, please follow this instruction: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/variable-products-swatches/

    Best Regards

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