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Video does not load on first click sometimes

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  • #610378


    Hello, I am very satisfied with the theme and your customer support, but the video on this product page is not loading on the first click some times: https://www.powerkit.no/butikk/the-car-kit/. This is causing customers to exit the page. How do I fix this? It is very urgent. I am using WP Rocket and have ticked the “WP Rocket delay JS exclusions
    “-box under performance -> Plugins . Still does not work. I have also not enabled lazy loading in WP Rocket or in your theme. It is just the standard WordPress lazy loading that is active. Please help me out. Looking forward to your reply. Have a great day.


    Luke Nielsen


    Is there any chance that you could give me access to the dashboard area so I can have a look at the settings on your website, please?

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke! Yes please take a look. I have now shared login details with you in the private content tab. Looking forward to hearing from you.



    BTW: the error happens on mobile, iOS.


    Luke Nielsen


    It looks like access is wrong – https://prnt.sc/hGaTyXfuLAsj, could you please update it?


    Kind Regards



    Hey Luke, I see that you are trying to access the wrong domain. The right domain is powerkit.no. Sorry if I was unclear. I really appreciate the help. Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Luke Nielsen


    Please update the theme to the latest version and the Core plugin as well, https://prnt.sc/XKHwTYfqgg-U , https://prnt.sc/hhccTQQ0xEah

    Then check how it works.

    Kind Regards



    I updated the theme and the plugin. It did not fix the issue. It did however remove all of my woodmart child theme translations from the live page. It still says that I have translated them in LocoTranslate, but the live site does not react. How am I going to fix this problem? I have tried syncing and saving, but that does not work…


    Luke Nielsen


    Try to add the below code to the “On document ready” area in Theme Settings -> Custom JS:

    if ( document.querySelector('.woocommerce-product-gallery .wd-carousel-item.wd-with-video') ) {
    		const tag = document.createElement( 'script' );
    		tag.src = '//www.youtube.com/iframe_api';
    		const firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[0];
    		firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore( tag, firstScriptTag );

    Clear the cache and check how it works.

    2. Clarify which fields translated in the Loco are not working.

    Kind Regards



    Hey, the code you gave me solved half of the problem. Thank you for moving the issue forward. Now, every time the video loads, the video actually shows up. Thats a big improvement! The issue I am still experiencing however, is that you have to click the video’s play icon multiple times for it to start loading. How do we fix this? Experiencing the issue on mobile, iOS.

    The translation of the strings worked itself out when I updated the theme, so that is fixed.

    Thank you for your great help so far. I really appreciate it.



    The code you gave me did not work after all, unfortunately. Error still persists.


    Luke Nielsen


    I apologize for the delay.

    May I disable 3rd party plugins and enable the parent theme for testing?

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards

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