Home Forums WoodMart support forum WEBSITE DB TOO BIG!!


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    I have a problem and need your help.

    Some days ago, I received a notification from my hosting provider that my DB exceeds 750 MB. The thing is that the website still has only 7 products, so I was wondering what was the problem. I checked the DB size from cPanel–>Database Section–>MySQL® Databases and noticed that its size changes very frequently, so yesterday night it was 1.73 GB.

    I contacted many times the support of my hosting to see if there was any error as the phpMyAdmin tool showed a different sizing but I didn’t find any solution.

    Here are for example some of their replies:

    “However, IBD files are InnoDB index files that are calculated in the raw size of your database, however, they will not appear in phpMyAdmin, thus that is the reason for the difference in the size displayed in the PHPmyAdmin tool and the cPanel–>Database Section–>MySQL® Databases.”

    or this:

    Also, I installed WP optimize to see if there will be any optimization.

    The site has in total 24 plugins, but many of them aren’t heavy.

    So, my answer is if all this thing is coming from crons set by the theme or if you know anything that I can do to prevent this because as you can understand, going every day to optimize the DB isn’t a good solution. I haven’t faced any such issue in the past, so I’m really curious to understand what’s the problem behind this.

    Can you please investigate as still I face this issue without uploading a lot of content, so I have to give a client a good answer?

    Thank you!


    Artem Temos


    Currently, we don’t have any open issues regarding our theme + database size so we can are not sure that it is caused by WoodMart. But anyway, you need to analyze your website manually and find the table that has an enormous size firstly. Then, walk through some of its last records to identify where they come from.

    Kind Regards



    Hello again,

    I noticed that the wp_options table is the one that keeps growing every day. Note that I haven’t a lot of plugins installed nor there are a lot of records (around 880) inside this table. Mostly, I see transient values.


    I know that I can optimize the table via phpMyAdmin or using a plugin like WP Optimize but this isn’t an option for me. I am trying to understand why this table is growing and if this is a normal behavior in WooCommerce sites and whether the theme adds any heavy content inside it.

    Is this something that other clients have reported?


    Artem Temos

    You need to analyze this table now. Open it with PHPMyAdmin and check which records are added day by day. Let us know if you think that they come with our WoodMart theme.

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