Home Forums WoodMart support forum Website favicon logo not showing on search engine but i already added favicon

Website favicon logo not showing on search engine but i already added favicon

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  • #582202

    Apon Ahamed

    I kickstart my website with woodmart theme demo and woodmart child and only use authentic purchased plugins like elemntor pro and crocoblock .
    But i faced a problem with my website logo / favicon not showing on any search engine like google and others . Its look bad with no favicon on search engine. I already added my 96×96 favicon png with woodmart theme customisation — site identity -upload favicon option ,after adding favicon every platform like mobile and pc showing my uploaded favicon but only search engines can’t identify my upload favicon.. and i face also favicon issues with my checkout and cart pages. How can I resolve it ?
    What’s the perfect dimension for website favicon should be and compatible with search engines .


    Apon Ahamed

    I am adding some screenshots and resources you need to understand better and fix my issues of favicon not showing correctly

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    Please navigate to the Appearance > Customize > Site identity and set the icon for your site.

    Google and all the search engines index and reindex pages with some period which can take more weeks, please give time to the search engines. it may take some time for Google to crawl your site and update the favicon on search results.

    Best Regards.


    Apon Ahamed

    Thanks for advice. Google already showing my favicon but size is not perfect , its shows small .
    I am new at web development. Idont know the appropriate size and dimension for favicon icon ,
    Can you please mention the perfect dimension/resolution For favicon?
    And what file type favicon should be ?

    Best regards,
    Mojahidul Ahamed Apon
    Skinitabd LTD.

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    Browsers and devices vary, but most require favicons to be 16 x 16 or 32 x 32 pixels. This means you can create a larger image (512 x 512 pixels is standard for WordPress), and scale it down as necessary.

    Please follow this guide for more information:

    Best Regards.

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