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Whenever i clear my sites Cache and CDN

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  • #559890


    Whenever i clear my sites Cache and CDN then its like the site completely breaks down until you have refreshed like 5-10 times. Its like the theme doesn’t work after that.


    Hung Pham

    Hi kasper,

    Thanks for reaching to us and appreciate your patience.

    The site is now loading properly on my end https://prnt.sc/d50wrJxRB1zE

    Please try to clear cache or CDN again, and let me know if you face issues again.




    Hmm.. how odd. Yesterday i moved some CSS to the top of the document. Do you think that could have been the issue? It was really messed up. The error in Chromes DevTools was filled with red marks yesterday before that.


    Hung Pham

    Hi kasper,

    Thanks for details.

    It’s actually out of our controls, you need to reach out to CDN or cache plugins for further assistances.


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