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why the theme or others cut my product image?

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  • #380325


    In the main and shop page, same dimension image 1080×1080 are cutting randomly by template or other settings.
    I’ve checked settings of template and personalization. The setting is to always keep 1: 1 on the images but I don’t understand why they are cut

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    Please try reducing the thumbnail image width from Appearance >> Customize >> Woocommerce >> Product Images.

    Please read our detailed documentation for help:

    Best Regards



    i’ve already tried to follow the documentation without any results



    Please check how it works with the default wordpress theme just to check whether the issue is with our theme or not.

    Best Regards



    I’m trying another method, if i resize the image to 800x800px the problem the problem disappears. Could it be that there is a size limit in MB that causes the image to resize by cropping it? Because I see that images larger than 1MB are cropped, while the smaller ones are not



    Please try increasing the max upload size and see if this works for you.

    Best Regards



    I’ve solved resizing all the featured image of the products in 800x800px because the theme or woocommerce when i upload an image of 1080x1080px, resizing the image to 1080x800px (800px max size for the length)



    We are Glad that your issue has been Resolved.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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