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Wishlist doubled

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  • #159501


    Hi guys, Your theme is really great! can you please help to fix the wishlist, I think I may have done something.

    I modified the Wishlist page, and I set up the “Wishlist” page in the Theme settings.
    On the Shop page, the “Heart” icon (Add to Wishlist) works fine.
    However, on the Product page, there are now two “Heart” icons. One of them works fine (the second one), and the other does not (the first one).

    I went in to the theme settings and switched the Wishlist function off and turned on again, no change. Can you please help me to figure it out?



    Please disable the Wishlist plugin in Dashboard > Plugins > YITH Wishlist plugin

    Best Regards



    Perfect, thank you! it worked


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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