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Wishlist error

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  • #352390


    An error occurs when adding products to the wish list. There are no third-party plugins installed on the site

    Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /var/www/u0602420/data/www/b2b.coffeeway.store/wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/shortcodes/products.php on line 226



    This error indicates that a field in the Theme Settings that should have a number, does not have any or contains letters, for example. I have checked the Theme Settings and see you specified nothing in the Theme Settings > Product Archives > Product Grid: Товаров на странице. I have set “20” and I do not see any errors on the Wishlist: https://gyazo.com/7f099a9c0ef3dd3df2281cb3a1da1e3a

    You can change this value for that one you need, however, it cannot be empty.

    Best Regards

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