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Wishlist non-functional

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  • #540363


    1. If you’re a guest and add products to the wishlist then they are not added. One goes to the wishlist page – nothing there, no entries. The “only for logged in” option within the Woodmart back-end is DISABLED = guest option is on. The feature is competely non-functional.

    2. If logged in then one cannot delete wishlist entries. You manually delete them all but upon revisiting the wishlist page they’re still there.

    I’m sure it’s a CDN issue / cache issue. Please assist.



    I’m almost 100% sure this is a Cloudflare CDN caching issue. How to get around this?


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, your Wistlist page is always cached and that is why it doesn’t work. You need to exclude it from the cache. To check if it is in the cache or not you can open the page’s source code and scroll to the end of the code https://gyazo.com/e27dc2ac41762cc94e2a40e7550ec588

    Kind Regards



    Thanks, all makes perfect sense. Added the page to Litespeed cache – disallow list.


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.


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