Home Forums WoodMart support forum Woodmart Carousels/Sliders – Stop scrolling

Woodmart Carousels/Sliders – Stop scrolling

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  • #257702


    How to stop page scrolling up and down when using woodmart carousels/sliders ?

    When using your carousels/sliders the page is not blocked from up and down movement and this is so so bad from user experience…

    Is there any way to block that up/down movement when using carousels/sliders ?
    Just like native wordpress slider – when swiping left/right there is no movement up/down.


    Artem Temos


    Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to fix this issue.

        -ms-touch-action: pan-y;
        touch-action: pan-y;




    Hello Artem,
    That code did not helped.

        -ms-touch-action: pan-y;
        touch-action: pan-y;

    Artem Temos

    We have tested this and it works well on mobile phones. Please, try to clear your browser cache and check again.



    Well I have cleared browser and wp cache and it doesn’t work.
    I mean when I do it slowly and press directly on one of the carousels items it works, but when swiping fast like a typical user it goes up and down.

    Video for clarification in private content.(It takes a while when it is available)

    PS. Native wp slider doesn’t go up and down at all – even when doing super fast swipes.


    Bogdan Donovan


    We have provided you with the same scroll fix for OWL carousel that used in swiper (elementor) carousel and there is no other way to change it behaviour. After code was applied we have tested following carousel scroll in Android and iOS devices, and it’s working normal for us.

    Here is example video from iPhone 12 Pro:

    Best Regards



    Hello Bogdan, thank you for your reply.
    So yeah it works when you click it and swipe directly in line right/left.
    The issue I see here is that when you swipe with a little bit of angle it crashes.
    Nowodays phones are big and when holding in one hand it’s hard to do swipe exactly in x axis, there’s always a little angle here. More info with comment in the video below.

    (PS. the banner carousel doesn’t have this issue, even with a little bit of angle it swipes perfect).



    Bogdan Donovan


    Default Elementor widgets and Woodmart widgets is using different carousel libraries. Elementor is using Swiper. Woodmart is using OWLcarousel. Unfortunately the following behaviour can’t be changed and carousels can’t be identical since their libraries are differ in their structure.

    Best Regards



    Well that’s disappointing.
    From user experience this is major issue…
    I mean it works, but that kind of stuff is outdated.
    Do you plan to solve this problem in future ?


    Artem Temos


    Unfortunately, we are not able to solve it at the moment since it is not bug but is how the JS library developed. The only solution here would be to change the library completely. We will consider this in the future but can’t guarantee that it would be implemented soon.

    Kind Regards

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