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Woodmart Checkout

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  • #636105

    I was here a while ago, trying to resolve an issue about the “boleto” payment section that was not responsive at Woodmart checkout in cell phone mode. I thought the problem would be the Woodmart theme, but I did some tests outside of Woodmart and the same problem persisted everywhere, I saw that the error came from the payments provider, the “Mercado Pago” plugin. I solved this problem by changing the company responsible for the charges. I apologize for the error and inconvenience. Now I have a new question: I am using the new payment method “PagSeguro”, I noticed that this payment method does not appear on all Woodmart website models, is this normal? I noticed that this new payment method only appears on some Woodmart websites. Is there anything I can watch out for? Or is it normal?

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    Try to disable Woodmart custom checkout layout in Dashboard -> WoodMart -> Layouts and test how it works and let me know.

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/

    Best Regards,

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