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WoodMart theme Questions

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  • #640988


    Hi, I am working on optimizing my website using the WoodMart theme and need help with some issues

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    01. Please navigate to Products > Categories > Edit Category > Add or remove the image for Header Menu:

    02. Navigate to Theme Settings > Footer > Choose your footer layout. Depending on the number of the columns you will have a different number of widget areas for the footer in Appearance->Widgets: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/set-up-footer/

    03. Those Brands are defined via the Prefooter area in Theme Settings -> Footer: https://prnt.sc/nyPHsOYeI0F7, so edit that HTML block to adjust the “Brands” or remove it.

    04. Navigate to Products
    Edit the Product you want to change
    In the Product Data section, select External/Affiliate Product from the dropdown
    Enter the Amazon or external URL in the “Product URL” field
    Change the Button text (e.g., “Go to Amazon to Buy”) https://ibb.co/LD2b5MxY

    To disable the shopping on site, Navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > Enable catalog mode option https://take.ms/k5Ls1

    To remove the wishlist and compare, Navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > “Wishlist” and “Compare”.

    Best Regards,


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