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Woodmart widget stock status AND instead of OR

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  • #457086



    I am using the Woodmart stock status widget.
    When a user selects both “in stock” and “on backorder” it shows no results.

    I guess because the filter works with AND value.

    How can I change this to OR so when both are selected, the “in stock” and the “on backorder” will be shown?


    Artem Temos


    Try to add the following PHP code snippet to the child theme functions.php file to do this

    add_action( 'init', 'wd_update_product_query' );
    function wd_update_product_query() {
    	if ( class_exists('WOODMART_Stock_Status' ) ) {
    		remove_action( 'woocommerce_product_query', array( 'WOODMART_Stock_Status', 'show_in_stock_products' ) );
    	add_action( 'woocommerce_product_query', function ( $query ) {
    		$current_stock_status = isset( $_GET['stock_status'] ) ? explode( ',', $_GET['stock_status'] ) : array(); //phpcs:ignore
    		if ( in_array( 'instock', $current_stock_status, true ) || in_array( 'onbackorder', $current_stock_status, true ) ) {
    			$meta_query = array(
    				'relation' => 'OR',
    			if ( in_array( 'instock', $current_stock_status, true ) ) {
    				$meta_query[] = array(
    					'key'     => '_stock_status',
    					'value'   => 'instock',
    					'compare' => '=',
    			if ( in_array( 'onbackorder', $current_stock_status, true ) ) {
    				$meta_query[] = array(
    					'key'     => '_stock_status',
    					'value'   => 'onbackorder',
    					'compare' => '=',
    			$query->set( 'meta_query', array_merge( WC()->query->get_meta_query(), $meta_query ) );
    	} );

    Kind Regards

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