Home Forums WoodMart support forum WOODMART WOOCOMMERCE LAYERED NAV – is it possible to add a Product Tag?

WOODMART WOOCOMMERCE LAYERED NAV – is it possible to add a Product Tag?

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  • #554359


    I just wanted to know if it’s possible to add a product tag filter to this type of shop filter? or any other in woocommerce with your theme?

    For example I have 3 different types of ‘black glass’ as attributes but the customer would want to filter by just ‘black glass’ to make it less confusing for them to understand and search.
    Is there a way to do this?

    Hope this makes sense.

    Example of what im dealing with here – https://staging6.glassfurniture.co.uk/product-category/glass-dining-table/

    Many thanks,


    Hung Pham

    Hi peter-9793,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Currently, there is no option to filter products by tags from WoodMart theme. You can use the default filter by tags widget https://prnt.sc/4KicV021KybP


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