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Woodmart – Wpml – wp Rockets / slow website, duplicate queries, slow queries…

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  • #479696

    Hello! On my website I use WP rockets paid version, also wpml paid version. I don’t have a lot of plugins, I try to use minimum… but my website is still slow. I checked with plugin called Query Monitor whats the problem, and i see a lot of Duplucated queries and Slow queries across the website.
    What can I do in this situation? Woodmart documentation says that its compatible with both of named plugins, i payed for that plugins because of that, i didn’t want to experiment things… so this is normal? it should work like this? could anyone check it? thanks!


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for choosing our theme. Our theme is optimized for speed and should not significantly slow down your website. However, it’s possible that your website’s performance is affected by the content you have added. For instance, the use of too many plugins, large unoptimized images, or other resources can slow down your website.

    We recommend that you remove any unnecessary plugins and install a JS & CSS optimization plugin such as WP Rocket. Our guide on how to optimize your website using our themes can be found here: https://xtemos.com/wordpress-performance-optimization-the-ultimate-guide-in-2021/.

    If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

    Kind regards,
    XTemos Studio


    It would be better to read what i wrote carefully. I mentioned that i dont use too many plugins only critical ones and that i use Wp rockets … but I see that there are a lot of slow queries and duplicate queries on website, wpml is most of them, but woodmart is good with wpml, right? so what is the option? i must have slow website?
    About content, it is woocommerce, what could i do wrong? there are products on website and thats all….


    Artem Temos


    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?




    How did you fix this issues? I’m facing the same challenge

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