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woodmart_recently_viewed_products cookie information

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  • #545435


    The woodmart_recently_viewed_products cookie is not described on your website (https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/gdpr-compliant/)

    Can you please give the information regarding this cookie for me. This helps me to include it in my cookie statement for my customers.
    – What is the functionality of this cookie?
    – What is the category/purpuse: I.e. functional or statistics or marketing?
    – What is the retention/expiration period of this cookie

    It would be nice to update this on your website as well.

    Thanks for the help!



    Our theme uses the woodmart_recently_viewed cookie. This cookie helps our website remember the products you have recently viewed, making it easier for you to find them again.

    It falls under the category of functional cookies, as its primary purpose is to enhance the usability of our website for you. cookie popup information is accepted and stored for 60 days. After this period, the user will be prompted to accept cookies again.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Aizaz,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    – Is the storage periode of 60 days functionality of the woodmart theme or of that specific cookie?
    – I don’t use the woodmart cookie banner but have a different plugin for that. Are these cookies still deleted by the woodmart theme after 60 days?




    If you are using any third party Plugin to show the Cookie Bar on your Site, then you might need to check with its options.

    For more information about these third party cookies, You need to contact the Plugin Support in this regard they will guide you better.

    Best Regards.

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