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WP Bakery Update

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  • #190727


    Hi there

    Trying to update WPBAKERY and it wont let me – on Basel theme. States I need to activate my copy of WPBAKERY.

    Does this come with the theme or would I now have to purchase this?



    WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution slider come bundled with our theme but they can’t be activated with our purchase code. Actually, you don’t need to do this.
    You can get the fresh version with the theme (Appearance > Install plugins> Update) or in the prolific of this forum. We have not added the fresh version to the theme folder yet, it would be done with the nearest update. Meanwhile:

    1. Make the full backup of your site.

    2. Deactivate and delete the current version of the plugin.

    3. Upload the new version from your portfolio on this forum.

    4. Upload and install.

    Best Regards

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