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WPML and Project / Portfolio

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  • #97808


    Hi there,
    now translating my website.
    For articles, products of shop, I have the wpml icons to translate in other languages.
    For portfolios / projects, I don’t see them.
    How to manage this?
    Kind regards



    Refer the WPML documentation or contact their support https://wpml.org/documentation/

    Our theme does not have any options or influence on WPML we only guaranty the compatibility.

    Best Regards



    If the issue refers to WMPL and Wpbakery, it can be possibly out the scope.
    Whent they relate to your specific items, like your “info box”, your “portfolio” item, your product category grid, … it’s not purely wpml.
    Or, if you consider that it’s purely wpml, why not, could you please explain me concretely why how it could be their responsibility on your “elements”?



    Our projects / portfolio items are translated without any problems http://prntscr.com/lyp2e9

    Please deactivate all the third parties and provide updated access.

    Best Regards



    OK, I believe you, but why is it different for me? you have my info (login / password) and can check by yourselves. Maybe am I stupid or miss something, it’s probable, but anyway, I don’t see how to do differently

    Could that be because you gave me specific ccs for it?



    If you enter the project you will see the option for translation http://prntscr.com/lyxnfs

    At the same time, you are right in the Projects tags there are no icons http://prntscr.com/lyxr4x

    Projects are a custom post type that is why they work in a different way in comparison with default posts http://prntscr.com/lyxrlw

    Best Regards



    Thank you so much!
    I am also questioning WPML for other topics, and I have to say that your support is far more efficient. But yes, I understand better now, that I shoot the ball in their court.
    Thanks again


    You are welcome!

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