Two questions are directed to the support department.
1 We have a problem with displaying the currency stamp in “Product Tabs” on the main page. The currency has been set to “PLN / zł” in the WooCommerce settings. In the first tab (Recommended – Picture A) the currency stamp is displayed correctly – after the price. The problem is with the next tabs (Dogs, Cats etc. Picture B) where the currency stamp is displayed before the price and I can’t change it in the settings.
How to solve this problem?
2. I want to completely adapt the shop to the language used in my country (Polish language), 90% of it has been translated into Polish. How to translate other phrases used in the website, eg “My Account”, “Shoping Cart” and others – Picture C and D. I want to completely translate the website into Polish without translating it into another language. Do I need to buy a WPML plugin for this? Can I do it myself?
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