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1) To change the main-menu color Go to >>Theme Settings >> TYPOGRAPHY >> ADVANCED TYPOGRAPHY, choose “Main Navigation Links” and select the color and save the changes.

Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/gVCYJBr

2) To reduce the space between the modules Edit the page with Wp-Bakery page Builder >> Edit product categories >> Space between Categories.

Screenshot for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/0Oh3czzy9b3

3) To set images in the modules Go to >> Products >> Categories >> Edit the category you want to add an image to.

Screenshot for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/fnxB2I1xf8

4) To Change the color and font-size of the titles Edit the Page with Wp-Bakery Page Builder >> Section Title.

Screenshot for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/mThycuPnhgmr

If you are unable to adapt to the changes then provide us with admin panel login details to check it myself and help you out accordingly

Best Regards.