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How do I change the categories post

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  • #170976


    I changed the word “Categories” in the Loco translate program. However, this was not reflected in the theme. I couldn’t see it in the components. How do I change this post?

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    Please make sure you have changed the proper string. By default, this element is presented as “Browse categories” I see it has been already amended.

    Besides as soon as you have translated, please clean your cache and check.

    Best Regards



    I could not change the “Categories” title on my website. I translate the title from the Loco plugin into my language. But this theme does not appear on the homepage. I also cleared the caches.



    “Browse categories” relate to Header builder element Product categories https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/add-edit-builder-elements/

    And your site has Mega Menu Widget element, which shows the category menu. You have inserted the title. https://prnt.sc/qwyfjd This title and Browse Categories menu are different strings. Browse Categories is translated in Loco https://prnt.sc/qwyhiv and Widget Title is translated on the page.

    Best Regards

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