Home Forums WoodMart support forum Can't see my logo in header Reply To: Can't see my logo in header



What is the problem: do you see another logo (initial WoodMart) or no logo at all.

If you see no changes, make sure you are editing the proper logo as different pages may have different logos. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/set-different-header-specific-page/

If you the SVG image does not appear, you need to open your SVG icons file with some editor like Sublime Text or default system text editor and add width=”31″ height=”40″ attributes to your <svg>tag like it is shown: http://prntscr.com/m4n0qw
Then you will need to re-upload your icons in WordPress Dashboard.

If it does not help, please provide your site admin access to the private area.

Best Regards