My website has some issues. It showing message “Error establishing a database connection”. I checked everything and every thing seems to be working fine. However when I talk to my hosting company they are saying…as quoted “This seems to be related to the database itself. It feels like it’s hitting some limit “. Can I know how can this be fixed.
Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?
I checked with other themes and it’s working fine. It was running few days ago (two weeks ago) but suddenly this problem started occurring. Couldn’t find any solution? I have different woocommerce site being hosted on that server, every thing is running fine but only this website has this kind if issue.
Sorry, but we can’t help you without any error logs. This error says that your WordPress can’t reach your database. It has nothing related to our theme actually.