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How to add woodmart filters with ordering

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  • #255962


    Hi guys! Thank you for this great theme.

    I would like to ask if it’s possible to add product ordering inside of these product filters:

    I want to achieve the same dropdown look. I am not experienced with wordpress but I am a developer myself so if it’s in any way possible to implement this on my side and you can give me a tip on where to start I would appreciate it.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    I am afraid there is no option to order the products by sorting them with custom filters. They would be displayed by default.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise!

    Thank you for your answer. I can see there is no option to order products with custom filters right now. Would it be possible for me to implement this functionality myself though (for example by extending this component to accept a new kind of filter that I would create)? If so, could you point me to a right direction ?



    I will check with our dev team and find out if it is possible. We need some time for that. I will get back to you in a couple of days.

    Meanwhile, try to change the default sorting in Woocommerce: please navigate to Appearance > Customize > Woocommerce > Product catalog > Default sorting.

    Best Regards



    I am checking with the dev team and we need a clarification: please advise what type of order you need in the custom filters?

    Please describe the actions step by step with the results that should be.

    Best Regards




    What I would expect is to have a new type of custom “filter” that would be able to order the products like the ordering select in the attached screenshot. This is of course not really a “filter” by functionality (does not reduce the result set, but changes the order instead). It could have the same options as the existing select from the toolbar (newest first, cheapest first…)

    The benefit I see is that I can have a cleaner design without the need to sacrifice the ordering functionality (see the second attachment), which is only available in the toolbar above custom filters at this point.

    Step by step:
    1. User lands on the page where the default sorting is active and no filters are applied.
    2. User can select different sorting as well as a filters to be applied
    3. User clicks the filter button to apply the changes
    4. And he gets a new result set (filtered and ordered based on the dropdown states)

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Unfortunately, for now, we do not have any instructions on how it is possible to configure. We shall consider adding this feature in the future, however, we cannot tell you the exact date.

    Best Regards




    Well, that’s unfortunate but thanks for trying anyway! I will hope such a feature lands soon.

    Best regards



    We shall do our best. Thanks. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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