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Hello Elise,
thanks for replying .. I did everything written in the guide but it still gives me this error:

Download the update from https://xtemos.com/licenses/api/files/get/woodmart.zip?token=hNoJiZLuFYopPYDBH3eGbwhlId3CVQidZGj10Ke41534756902…
Extraction of the update in progress …
There was an error while updating Woodmart: The package cannot be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10): Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

Please help me to solve this from the site, because I don’t just use the update process, I need it to be done directly from the site itself, I can’t always do it from FTP because I don’t use the site and the operators only fast and easy, I premise you that we always made updates and never had problems. let me know how we can do it .. I leave you the utilities to enter the site as administrator …

write in Private Content

I have tried and the login works correctly.

thank you for your support Let me know. Thanks a lot Elise