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4. You say that this is due to plugin and WD works fine with Gutenberg and follows WP guidelines. I say that there is a conflict between WD and WP / Gutenberg, because the guideline is PluginSidebar. All any tool / plugin using PluginSidebar, no issue With tools / plugins not using it, like WPML or WD, problems

5-6 – whatever the reasons, reality is that, with woodmart 6.2:
– Gutenberg editor is more far less wysiwyg
– it’s far less convenient to use, irritating, time wasting, …
Maybe, for the happy few using WD without side bar, it will be … wonderful, but I doubt because even for them, the incomfort -eg in block / text selection- is there

When the directives are against ergonomy and performance ….

By the way, gutenberg editor is not made to be wysiwyg. That’s why there is this “preview”.

So, definitively negative. Only new problems, for 0 added benefit.

Kind regards