Hello, i have a lot of problems to selcet the first column with elementor and it’s not easy to modify logo or other things in there..basically when i try to go top left or right to click the elementor edit this disappears 🙁
But so are you telling me that the base page is not editable and I should create a new one? Otherwise, can you explain to me how to change, for example, the language choice menu? so maybe I find the inspiration for everything else. It is really complex for me and unfortunately I am a beginner but it is really a beautiful theme and I want to make it work at its best.
So I try to explain my problems. I can’t edit the top of the page, or rather I’ve found something to edit but I don’t understand how I can edit things precisely ( screen 1 ) I also tried to change the name of the menu in the wordpress edit and basic pieces of the header have disappeared. I have no idea why.. (screen 2)
I also add that in the creation of you indicated for the header even if I create a simple menu I do not find creation parameters regarding the content it should have ( screen 3 )