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Footer text color and header social icons color

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  • #437385


    Hi, can You please provide me a CSS code, to change a footer text color? Also i would like to change social media icons color on my header to black.




    1- Regarding the Footer text color change, please navigate to Dashboard > Theme Settings > Footer > Style > there you can find the Footer text color option > you can either select Dark or Light according to your choice: https://snipboard.io/4C56qe.jpg

    2- To change the color of the Social Media Icons on your Header, you need to edit your current Header layout under the Header Builder first by going to the Dashboard > WoodMart > Header Builder > there edit your current Header layout > then edit the Social buttons element > then go to the Style tab of it > there select the Color as Dark: https://snipboard.io/l98fOI.jpg

    The Dark option will make the Icons black as you want.

    Best Regards



    “dark” color is not black, its grey. And “light” is not white, it looks like very light grey. Your way is not working for me.

    How to change that colors to custom (header icons and footer text)? Example blue, green or yellow?



    I added screenshot

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    Please try using the below Custom CSS code and paste it to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global CSS section.

    For the Footer Menu, please try using the following one:

    .footer-container .main-footer .widget-area .footer-column .footer-widget .widget_nav_menu .menu .menu-item a {
        color: red !important;

    For the Social Media Icons, right now we are seeing them added in Footer on your Site. So, for them please try using the following one:

    .footer-container .main-footer .widget-area .footer-column .footer-widget .wp-block-social-links li a {
        color: red !important;

    In these CSS, you can change the color to your choice of hex color code or color name.

    Hope this helps !

    Best Regards




    CSS works perfect on footer, but my social media icons are in header, NOT footer. I have another page, where i have icons in header. Can You please give me a CSS code to change a header social media icons color to red?



    Please try using the below Custom CSS code and paste it to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global CSS section:

    .whb-header .wd-social-icons a {
        color: red !important;

    You can change the color to your choice, if you want to change it.

    Best Regards



    Thank You, it works! 🙂


    Most Welcome!!!.

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    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

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    Best Regards.

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