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There is Product image on checkout page for the product which ordered

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  • #439362


    Hello, Can you help to configure how to display the product image for those product ordered on checkout page?



    Sorry to say but if you are referring to showing Product Images on the Checkout or after processing of the Order page then by default WooCommerce doesn’t allow to have the Product Image shown on these pages even with the default WordPress themes like Storefront & Twenty Twenty Three too: https://snipboard.io/0tIxhZ.jpg

    So, you might want to consult with WooCommerce on this because the Theme doesn’t directly influence it.

    Best Regards.



    The sidebar on shop page is not working on Mobile view, can you help me to fix,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    The Filters are showing in the Mobile view of your Site. Please check back your Site after completely clearing browser and server cache.

    Further, you can read more about the Widgets and Sidebars here:

    Best Regards

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