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Product archiive remove add to cart and other items

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  • #525349



    On the product archive page, i would it to be very simplistic:

    – How can i remove the add to cart button?
    – When hovering the image, it does not show the second image? How do i enable this?
    – I want the product archive page to look exactly like this, with pagination arrows enable when hovered over – when clicked it shows all the images. How do i do that? (link below)


    Thank you!


    Hung Pham

    Hi sakawatamin,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    1. How can i remove the add to cart button?

    Please add below Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global custom CSS

    .product.product-grid-item.wd-hover-quick .wd-add-btn{
    	display: none;

    2. When hovering the image, it does not show the second image? How do i enable this?

    Please add gallery images to Product https://prnt.sc/xNjrLjTm3s1Z

    3. I want the product archive page to look exactly like this, with pagination arrows enable when hovered over – when clicked it shows all the images. How do i do that?

    Currently, the arrows will show up when you hover image as you wanted. For other questions, it seems you are referring to image when click on attributes. If so, please read our documentation for more details https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/variable-products-and-swatches/




    Thanks for responding. I have attached a screenshot of the arrows i am referring to. When i over the image on the product archive page. The arrows do not come up.

    The purpose for the arrows is so the customer can click them to see the next image without being on the actual product page.

    Please see the screenshot.

    Thank you!

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    Hung Pham

    Hi sakawatamin,

    I can see arrows when hovering on product image https://prnt.sc/lPu0-Lr0QCme

    Please add below Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global custom CSS to move buttons to a bit right to see next arrow:

    .product-grid-item .wd-buttons.wd-pos-r-t {
        right: 30px;

    Happy New Year


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