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Problem with translation

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  • #636734



    i have a problem with my site.
    It is set up to be in german. The german translation files are uploaded and with Loco Translation Plugin i can see it correctly be translated and synced.

    On frontend the translation is not working.

    I already deleted my browser cache. So this is not the problem.

    I provide 2 Screenshots and created an admin account for you to investigate.

    Please help me.

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    Hung Pham

    Hi sebastian.horstmann,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    + In order to change / translate words. Please make sure you synced the strings first before changing / translating WooCommerce, WoodMart Core plugins and WoodMart theme. You can refer to article


    + You are also need to select the language for the backend and theme settings for admin from the admin user profile, please edit the user’s profile and then select the language for that user it will show the same on the backend.

    + Some strings related to Wishlist / Compare / Login & Register page, you can change in Theme Settings > Shop or Theme Settings > My account https://prnt.sc/W8Tt95stG3YC

    + Please navigate to the Appearance > Widgets > Edit the Shop page sidebar or that sidebar which you are using for the page > then change the title.

    See the screenshot for clarification: https://ibb.co/KbjSdfP




    Thanks, that explanation helped a lot to translate some strings. I already synced the string in Loco.
    I changed the translation under the Appearance >> Widgets. That works fine.

    Still i have the Problem, that some strings are not translated on the single product page and in the cart. Please see the screenshots. In Loco these strings are translated. The String “gzd-item_desc” i cannot find anywhere – where does this come from?

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    Hung Pham

    Hi sebastian.horstmann,

    It seems you are using Woocommerce Germanized plugin, if so, please try to translate that plugin as well.




    Thanks for the hint – the string gzd-item-desc comes from that plugin, i will check that separately.

    Still, there are untranslated string like “Product Prize” or “Add a coupon” and i do not understand why. I even disabled the Germanized Plugin and deleted the Page Cache – no change.



    Found some untranslated string in the woocommerce (e.g. “collection from”) and translated them and now the works.

    But “PRODUCT PRICE” on the Single Product Page – when choosing an option – and “TOTAL” are not translated – even they are translated in Loco.


    Hung Pham

    Hi sebastian.horstmann,

    Please try to translate this plugin as well.


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