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Remove space below header

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  • #646950


    I cannot get rid of that space (approx 50px height) below header

    i cannot find where to remove this space

    see attached

    thank you for your help

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    You can find the option in the Design tab for the WP bakery page builder and the Advanced tab for Elementor to remove the white space: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/top-and-bottom-paddings/

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards,




    For those looking for the solution, add this in your settings Woodmart > custom CSS :

    .wd-content-layout {
        padding-block: 0px!important;


    Thanks for sharing your solution!

    This will remove the top and bottom padding from all pages, which might not be ideal if some pages rely on that space for design balance.

    If you want to apply it to a specific home page only, you can find the option in the Design tab for the WP bakery page builder and the Advanced tab for Elementor to remove the white space: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/top-and-bottom-paddings/

    Best Regards,




    Yes it will remove the top and bottom padding on all pages

    i think it’s better to set the desired padding on header and footer layouts

    like you would do with elementor pro theme builder



    Actually, the top and bottom spacing you’re seeing seems to be coming from the padding applied to the Elementor container/section, not the header or footer layouts themselves.

    You can adjust or remove the padding directly within the container settings at the home page. If you have faced the issue on all pages you need to use custom css code.

    Best Regards

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