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  • Additional variation swatch design like Apple, so image or color with name below inside the swatch
  • Option to disable add to cart button on category pages and all product elements (slider, grid).
  • Option for slide in submenus in mobile navigation instead of dropdown
  • When using the slide-in add to cart sidebar, there should be a better response that a product has added to the cart (like for example Ikea). Show the added product at the top with a text for example. At the moment it is often not clear that the product was added to the cart, especially when there are already products in the cart and the added product is not visible without scrolling.
  • Checkout: When there are missing required fields after clicking the place order button, there is this ugly field at the top with the missing fields. It would look way nicer if you disable this and just add a visible tooltip above all red marked fields.
  • Attribute labels: There should be more options for placing and styling, at best per attribute value. And different settings for product and category. It would also be nice if you could use the labels with the product layout builder like the brand element.
  • Product filter and variations: If you select a variation attribute in the filter (for example color), the picture of the filtered product should show the associated picture. And after you click on this product the variation attribute of this filter should be preselected.
  • Add a functionality to add product data sheets and other files to products.
  • Option for quantity select as a dropdown
  • Add a few B2B features like bulk prices and request a quote