I want to post an attribute just over the SKU in product single page.
I use below code and it post the data.
If i put 41, It is under tags. https://prnt.sc/tsm96x
If i put 39, It is above the line. Like : https://prnt.sc/tsm58t
I want to show it just between SKU and the line made by the div.
Is it possible?
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'show_model_name', 41 );
function show_model_name(){
global $product;
$taxonomy = 'pa_model-adi';
$value = $product->get_attribute( $taxonomy );
if ( $value ) {
$label = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy )->labels->singular_name;
echo '<p><span style="color:#333"><b>' . $label . ': </b></span>' . $value . '</p>';