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Add H1 to TITLE and H2 to SUBTITLE

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  • #10371



    please I would to add H1 to title field and H2 to subtitle field. Could you suggest to me the way to do it? Then I’d like also to set H1 on the title of every post inside the page “blog” and in every title of single posts.

    Thank you really much for your availability!


    Artem Temos


    What exactly do you call title and subtitle? As for blog, so you can edit its title tag in the content.php file.

    Kind Regards



    Here is a screenshot. Take a look please! ๐Ÿ™‚ Title and subtitle.

    About the blog I saw the content.php, but I do not understand where I have to add the H1. There are many title with H3 and I do not understand which is the right one. Please!

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    Artem Temos

    Replace all occurrences in the content.php file. As for the section title element, add the following code to the child theme and replace all tag names as you need.

    	function basel_shortcode_title( $atts ) {
    		extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    			'title' 	 => 'Title',
    			'subtitle' 	 => '',
    			'after_title'=> '',
    			'link' 	 	 => '',
    			'color' 	 => 'default',
    			'style'   	 => 'default',
    			'size' 		 => 'default',
    			'subtitle_font' => 'default',
    			'align' 	 => 'center',
    			'el_class' 	 => '',
    			'css'		 => ''
    		), $atts) );
    		$output = $attrs = '';
    		$title_class = '';
    		$title_class .= ' basel-title-color-' . $color;
    		$title_class .= ' basel-title-style-' . $style;
    		$title_class .= ' basel-title-size-' . $size;
    		$title_class .= ' text-' . $align;
    		$separator = '<span class="title-separator"><span></span></span>';
    		if( function_exists( 'vc_shortcode_custom_css_class' ) ) {
    			$title_class .= ' ' . vc_shortcode_custom_css_class( $css );
    		if( $el_class != '' ) {
    			$title_class .= ' ' . $el_class;
    		$output .= '<div class="title-wrapper ' . $title_class . '">';
    			if( $subtitle != '' ) {
    				$output .= '<span class="title-subtitle font-'. esc_attr( $subtitle_font ) .'">' . $subtitle . '</span>';
    			$output .= '<div class="liner-continer"> <span class="left-line"></span> <span class="title">' . $title . $separator . '</span> <span class="right-line"></span> </div>';
    			if( $after_title != '' ) {
    				$output .= '<span class="title-after_title">' . $after_title . '</span>';
    		$output .= '</div>';
    		return $output;
    	add_shortcode( 'basel_title', 'basel_shortcode_title' );




    The post titles works! Great, thank you!

    About the title and subtitle I’m not sure that you had understood what I would to do. Could be more clear about your suggestion? I would to set “title” H1 and “subtitle” H2.

    Thanks for your patience.


    Artem Temos

    You just need to change tag names in the code we sent you. Should get something like this

    function basel_shortcode_title( $atts ) {
    		extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    			'title' 	 => 'Title',
    			'subtitle' 	 => '',
    			'after_title'=> '',
    			'link' 	 	 => '',
    			'color' 	 => 'default',
    			'style'   	 => 'default',
    			'size' 		 => 'default',
    			'subtitle_font' => 'default',
    			'align' 	 => 'center',
    			'el_class' 	 => '',
    			'css'		 => ''
    		), $atts) );
    		$output = $attrs = '';
    		$title_class = '';
    		$title_class .= ' basel-title-color-' . $color;
    		$title_class .= ' basel-title-style-' . $style;
    		$title_class .= ' basel-title-size-' . $size;
    		$title_class .= ' text-' . $align;
    		$separator = '<span class="title-separator"><span></span></span>';
    		if( function_exists( 'vc_shortcode_custom_css_class' ) ) {
    			$title_class .= ' ' . vc_shortcode_custom_css_class( $css );
    		if( $el_class != '' ) {
    			$title_class .= ' ' . $el_class;
    		$output .= '<div class="title-wrapper ' . $title_class . '">';
    			if( $subtitle != '' ) {
    				$output .= '<h2 class="title-subtitle font-'. esc_attr( $subtitle_font ) .'">' . $subtitle . '</h2>';
    			$output .= '<div class="liner-continer"> <span class="left-line"></span> <h1 class="title">' . $title . $separator . '</h1> <span class="right-line"></span> </div>';
    			if( $after_title != '' ) {
    				$output .= '<span class="title-after_title">' . $after_title . '</span>';
    		$output .= '</div>';
    		return $output;
    	add_shortcode( 'basel_title', 'basel_shortcode_title' );


    Ok, where I can find this code? I’ve not found it on functions.php



    Ok, shortcodes.php. Now it works. You’re great, thank you!


    Artem Temos

    Actually, you need to copy it to the child theme functions.php file to prevent loosing changes after parent theme update.

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