No problem with the single blog post, you can create a template in the builder and just insert in each post.
As for the shop page, there is an option to add custom content before the product grid or in the pre-footer. If you add the content to the pre-footer it would be displayed on all the pages (there is the option to disable the pre-footer on a page) where it is enabled.
If you want to set the content before the product grid on the shop page, create HTML block and follow these steps:
1. Enable Top filters in the Theme Settings > Shop > Shop filters https://gyazo.com/3564df2a5d658a0010b6c0ebd0b537d4
2. Enable Shop filters area always opened
3. Shop filters content type should be set Custom content
4. You can choose the HTML block with the content from the Shop filters custom content drop-down.
Best Regards