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Arrows in mobile mode not showing

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  • #499205


    Hi support team.

    Slider arrows and autoplay are not working on mobile devices…
    Works on chrome responsive view but in a real smartphone doesnt.

    Can u helpme?

    I am waiting for your reply



    I have not seen any sliders on your site. Can you please share the small video for better understanding, Also share the wp logins details of your site i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.




    Please update the new version of the theme “WOODMART WordPress NEW: 7.3.1 RELEASED” and update the required plugin and check the issue.

    Hope so your issue will be resolved!

    If the issue remains, deactivate the third party plugins on your site and check the issue. If the issue still persists, let me know I will further check the issue on your site.

    Best Regards.



    I have to update theme manualy, because this error: PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

    I just update the woodmart theme folder, it is a problem?

    I think the problem is some conflict with this plugin:
    Asset CleanUp Pro: Page Speed Booster
    Prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests and get faster page load | Add “async” & “defer” attributes to loaded JS | Combine/Minify CSS/JS files Versão

    I disable it and now everything works flawless…



    Now another question! Its possible to keep the arrows visible all the time?
    Not just when the mouse over it images. But all the time?



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body .owl-carousel .owl-nav > div {
      opacity: 1 !important;
      visibility: visible !important;

    Best Regards.

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