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  • #62739


    Good day, tell me how to bring the template to this appearance, the documentation does not describe this, also in the demo data is not enough pictures, give a detailed description, and settings to get such a theme, I bought the template with the hope that it is easily configured to the desired form.
    attached a picture of the appearance of the template that I want to get.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and contacting the support.

    1. Please navigate to Appearance > Install plugins > install and activate all

    2. Navigate to Basel > Base Import > https://gyazo.com/c0baae4078c8231d620a4dc22dbc5a31 First of all, activate base import, then choose the demo and activate it.

    You will find more information here: https://xtemos.com/docs/basel/installation-process-2/

    If you still have the problem, send me your site admin access I will check the setting and tell you what to correct.

    Best Regards



    here are accesses to the site, I did as you said, but the appearance does not match



    I have checked you settings everything works well and I see you have imported a demo. If you want to change it, choose and change http://prntscr.com/jvf1ki

    Best Regards



    I have already made these changes, but the main page does not take the appearance, as on this page stated in the demo version https://demo.xtemos.com/basel/hero-slider/

    Please see the reason why, with the chosen theme that I like, its appearance does not match the demo version



    I have compared the demo link and your home page. I see that you have successfully imported demo. You will need to fill it with the content and images. Demo content does not contain images you will add your own.

    Best Regards



    Why this block with the demo version http://prntscr.com/jvw2n6, I have looks here is so http://prntscr.com/jvw2vh how to make it look like on the demo to have the same structure



    Enter the Product Category element and choose Masonry in Layout.

    Enter each category and upload images with different sizes. You will get masonry grid as you see on the demo.

    Best Regards

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