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Translation of words into Spanish

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  • #566169


    I made the translation into Spanish from Peru following the guide at https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-translation/

    However, there are words that still remain in English.
    How could I most recommend them to translate them into Spanish? I am only interested in the Spanish language of Peru.

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    • This topic was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by chaucachavez.
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    Luke Nielsen


    Those translations are not full so you need to use the Loco Translate plugin to change those parts that are not translated. Here is our article on how to use that: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/translate-woodmart-theme-with-loco-translate/

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards



    Good afternoon, I installed the Loco Translate plugin but when changing the texts to Spanish it does not work for me.

    Can you tell me where the words should be changed with Loco Translate?

    I tried several translations without success.

    I am from Peru (Es_pe).

    See the images.

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    Luke Nielsen


    1. Navigate to Loco Translate -> Plugins -> WooCommerce and translate the cart text there – https://prnt.sc/B24OT03ZYaE4, after it, add any product to the side cart and then remove to see the changes.

    2. Widgets can be changed manually via Appearance -> Widgets – https://prnt.sc/mOAXECa1KSDq

    Kind Regards

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