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Best practice: Fashion Store and Gender (Man/Woman)

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  • #444794


    Hi all,

    In this post I’m asking some experts here on best practice in how to structure a fashion shop with Woocommerce using Categories and/or Product Attributes.

    We would like to obviously separate our products for mens and women in our shop with two different navigation nodes (Shop Men & Shop Woman). However, we’re not sure if we should create two separate categories in Woocommerce or just separate the products with an attribute “men” or “woman”.

    What would be your advice or best practice in terms of usability and scalability? The issue we’re facing is, that within Woodmart there are i.e. buttons like “back to shop” which will obviously always point to the shop itself where men and woman products would be mixed.

    Thank you in advance for any advise šŸ˜‰




    The best way in this regard is certainly the one by creating Product Categories separately for ā€œMenā€ and ā€œWomenā€ ones because to make the Filters work for these Categories, you would certainly need Archive pages i.e. Shop or Category pages. In your regard, it would be Category pages.

    Regarding the Back Button concern, sorry to say but this is the default thing at WooCommerce end that if you have opened a certain Product page from Category pages and you click on back button it redirects to the last opened page. Right now this canā€™t be changed because there isnā€™t a separate option available for it.

    Although, you can create Custom Layouts for the Categories that you will create using the Themeā€™s Layout Builder. Here is the guide to that if you want to know: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/

    One more thing, under the Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog > Shop page display and Category page display can be set Categories and Subcategories respectively if you want: https://snipboard.io/DeYv7V.jpg

    In this way those Category pages that you will create will show Subcategories when visited.

    Hope this will be of any help to you !

    Best Regards.

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