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Brand Logo in Shop

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  • #206329


    Is there any way to show the Brand Logo instead of product image in shop page? (I don’t want to upload brand logo as the product image and want to keep it as an attribute.)




    You need to upload any placeholder image as the product thumbnail and then navigate to Products > Attributes > enter the attribute and enable “Show attribute label on products”

    In this case, each product would have a brand image.https://prnt.sc/t66mfm

    Best Regards



    Thanks. You have been very helpful, although this is not exactly what I was looking for. It would be very helpful if you kindly let me know:

    1) How to move the brand Logo from the upper left to the middle center, and how to make it larger.

    2) How can I change the default product image box size on Shop page? I want to make the current height shorter.

    3) Is there any way to prevent product image from appearing on the Shop?




    You can configure the image size in the grid as per this instruction: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/image-size-content-alignment-product-grid/

    Then show the label on the image and provide URL I will check how to do.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove images from products. You can add the attribute form one side and set the brand image as the main image in the product page at the same time. You would have a big nice image.

    Best Regards



    I am showing the logo label on the image. Can you provide me with a code for adjusting the position and size? Please see attached picture. This is specially tricky when there is product gallery on product page.

    Would appreciate you help.



    picture for the precious post.

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    I need page URL. In order to provide custom CSS, I need to see the size of the image and the size of the logo brand image.

    Best Regards



    I have a local installation of wordpress and cannot provide you with URL. But, I am using Electronics Demo with “Show summary on hover” for product Style in Shop. I have Bottom (horizontal carosel) for product image.



    Lets us weit till you move your site on the live platform, as I all the CSS I would provide would not appropriate. I need to know the sizes of the image of the product grid and size of the brand image.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,
    If it helps, the logo dimention is 250×125. Please provide the code for now based on default values of the Electronic Demo and we can adjust it later if anything changes.



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-top: -30px; /*this value should be the height of the label*/
    margin-right: -55px;/*this value should be the width of the label*/

    Best Regards



    The code doesn’t seem to change anything!




    As soon as your site is on a live stage I will try to provide the workable code, for now it is not possible.

    Best Regards

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