I am trying to replicate the behavior of the browser going back to the previous page as seen in your demo at https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/?opt=load_more.
After loading products using the “Load More” button and navigating to a product page, when I use the browser’s back function to return to the shop page, I encounter issues depending on the settings:
1. When I set “Keep the page number in the URL” to On, after returning to the shop page, I land on shop/page/3 and do not see the products that were loaded previously.
2. When I set “Keep the page number in the URL” to Off, after returning to the shop page, I land on shop/ and do not see the products that were loaded previously, including the product I had just visited.
Could you please advise on how I can maintain the visibility of previously loaded products when navigating back to the shop page using the browser’s back button?
Thank you.