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Can't activate licence

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  • #319078

    Global Touch

    Hello woodmart team,

    First of all i would like to thank you for your theme. It awesome!!

    Secondly, I can’t activate theme licence. I have code to activate pro version, but it shows me this warning!

    What goes wrong!??

    Thanks in advance.


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for using our theme.

    It looks like you have activated our theme multiple times already. You need to remove your old activations in your account on our website. Then try to activate it again with your purchase code.

    Kind Regards


    Global Touch

    Hello again and Sorry for my late response.

    Can you please tell me how can i do this?

    I have bought theme licence not to deactivate it from my old sites, but to have activate and fully updated for my all websites!

    Thanks in advance.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, do you mean that you have two purchase codes?
    You need to manage your websites that already activated in your account here https://xtemos.com/forums/users/kareliotis/


    Global Touch


    Can you please tell me, how many websites can I activate with this purchase code? And where can I find purchase code for infinity use?

    Thanks in advance.


    Artem Temos

    One regular license allows you to use our theme for a single website only. For multiple projects you have to purchase one license per project.


    Global Touch


    Where can I find these purchase codes? Do I need to pay for a different one?



    Artem Temos

    You can purchase additional licenses and get the purchase codes here https://themeforest.net/item/woodmart-woocommerce-wordpress-theme/20264492

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