Good morning in the megamenu inserting the categories the text appears all in uppercase, is there a way through css perhaps, to be able to display only the first capital letter?
Example “Robot Cleaner Dolphin” and not “ROBOT CLEANER DOLPHIN”?
The text-transform of the categories, you can change with the help of the “Advanced typography” functionality. Please navigate to Theme Settings -> Typography -> Advanced typography -> create a rule and change the text transform and other font settings.
Good morning perfect beautiful work you have done, but what do I have to look for to change this title, because there are many, I searched for “extra menu” but it is not there, how did you define this field?
Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.
In the same block of the megamenu do you think it is possible that when I move the mouse over the image, the image enlarges even a little zoom effect?
Maybe I am asking too much?