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Change page backgroud image

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  • #595270


    How can i change the default backgroud image for every page? I set here a default image Pages title background from theme settings->page title.


    Hung Pham

    Hi suport.peacky,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please provide me screenshots that illustrate the problem to the Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns more efficiently.




    Ok, I found 7 problems, I will attach a picture for each problem separately and I will name it with the number of the problem.

    Problem 1: 2 photos attached, so i configured a default page background image in theme settings (like in the photo) and now all pages have the same cover, how can I set a background image individually for each page?

    Problem 2: On the first page i have a banner carousel, how can i make the images smaller?

    Problem 3: I used the portofolio-element page, the problem is if the name of the project is longer it goes on 2 rows and the the arrangement is broken. I want to line them all up.

    Problem 4: On the first page at the top (mobile only) the text is not responsive

    Problem 5: On the first page i have a banners carousel but i want to have a left and right arrow vizible, i disabled hide button on mobile option but they are still not visible (mobile only problem)

    Problem 6: How can i change the MENU and CATEGORIES text from the mobile menu?

    I noticed that I can upload 4 photos, I will write a reply with the other 3.
    I look forward to your reply, thank you

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    The last 3 photos attached

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    Hung Pham

    Hi suport.peacky,

    To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please provide me temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to the Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns more efficiently.




    Sure. f you want and can, you can solve them yourself, or if not, please tell me the steps to solve them, thank you and have a nice day!


    Hung Pham

    Hi suport.peacky,

    Thanks for details.

    1. Background image

    You can do it with our Theme Presets feature.

    Then you can use Condition to select page you want to background image > then click on Edit theme settings https://prnt.sc/aYNAEYxVQFU9

    Here is our documentation on how to use theme presets. https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/

    2. I cannot see images on your site and background images are empty https://prnt.sc/9o4-V6lMASXT, please replicate the issues so I can take a look.

    3. It caused by the length of titles, please add the below Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global Custom CSS to limit characters:

    .portfolio-info .wd-entities-title{
      white-space: nowrap;
      overflow: hidden;
      text-overflow: ellipsis;
      max-width: 250px;

    4, 5. It’s WoodMart Slider feature, you can read more about the documentation here to edit slider for mobile devices


    6. Navigate to WoodMart > Header builder > edit default header (highlighted star icon) or you can go through the admin bar directly https://prnt.sc/Ct9ehRDvvDV9.

    Switch to Mobile tab, hover on Mobile menu element, click on Pencil icon and scroll down to Category section > enable Show categories menu option https://prnt.sc/z532Aa-glTHl and you can change the title as well.




    I managed to solve all the problems, thank you very much! Now I have 3 more problems with the portfolio-element page that can be found here https://peacky.ro/portfolio-element/.

    Problem1: The biggest problem is that it doesn’t display all the projects items and it doesn’t seem to take into account the settings I made in WoodMart theme settings->portfolio. The categories are displayed, but not all items are displayed.
    Problem2: I want to remove this shadow hover effect and let only the zoom in effect
    Problem3: This problem is not related to the portfolio element, I noticed that in the shop section, regardless of which category I select in the browser tab, the word archive also appears in the name, how could I remove it?

    I await your answers, thank you!

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    Hung Pham

    Hi suport.peacky,

    First of all, I’m really sorry have taken long time to reply you due to the weekend.

    1. You should deactivate all plugins (except Required Plugins) and then reactivate them one by one. This makes it very easy to isolate the plugin causing problems.

    2. Please add the following Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global Custom CSS:

    .portfolio-text-shown:hover header.entry-header {
    	box-shadow: none;
    article.wd-project:hover .portfolio-thumbnail:after{
    	opacity: 0;

    3. You can try to use SEO plugin, for e.g: Yoast SEO, it adds the title which is editable.




    Hello, it’s fine. I managed to solve problems 1 and 2, thank you very much! I didn’t manage to fix problem 3, I installed Yoast SEO but I didn’t manage to modify 2 pages, the shop page and the page with the portfolio element still have the word archives in the new tab name. Could you come in and see what the problem is or tell me exactly how it could be fixed? Thank you.





    Hung Pham
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