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change style of unit information and setup product grid to same high

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  • #479062


    Dear best woodmart theme support. 🙂

    We have an issue with styling:
    1. Grid have different sizes because some products have 1 line product title, some have 2 lines and some have different prices with more lines… So that ends in different hight for grid. how to setup same height (min high) for all product grid? So it will ends in same height for all product grid and it will looks better. check also my attached screenshot (blue line).

    2. How to change the fontsize and color for unit information? Check also my attached screenshot.
    Coud you tell me the correct css classname and css please?


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    Please check the option in the Theme Settings > Product Archives > Product Styles. https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/image-size-and-content-alignment-in-a-product-grid/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    You can change the font by means of the Advanced typography option, which allows you to choose the item from a drop-down or insert your custom CSS class. Please navigate to the Theme Settings > Typography > Advanced Typography.

    Here is the documentation providing more detailed instructions: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/advanced-typography-settings/

    Best Regards



    1. There is no option shown to controle grid size in your linked guide.
    The elements are added by germanized to grid. And germanized told us if your theme is compatible with germanized you will be able to share custom css to controle that elements.
    And yes, i know we can controle that elements by custom css. But the problem is: if we do that, some more elements in cart also change the sizes. So please tell me how to change the text-size and text-color only for that elements from my screenshot.

    2. And your link also not show how to set all grids to same height like other themes which looks much better by having same grid high. Also grids with more elements have same height. Your grid jumping in sizes and thats not looking good. I have checked your linked guide and that also no help in this point.

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by tussibag.


    And why you do not reply to my first question?

    1. Grid have different sizes because each grid containt different content/elements.
    So that ends in different hight for grid. how to setup same height (min high) for all product grid? So it will ends in same height for all product grid and it will looks better. check also my attached screenshot (blue line).



    in another ticket you already explain how to change that size for another woodmart user:
    .price-unit .amount {
    font-size: 12px!important;

    Why you was not able to give us that information also? 🙁

    So now we have to solve the different sized of grid per height. How to set all to same height please like in other themes we using before?




    You can find this selector in the Advanced typography and you will easily change it that any time. Theme settings is a better way to configure colors.



    You can find this selector in the Advanced typography and you will easily change it that any time. Theme settings is a better way to configure colors.



    Please tell me the name for selector price-unit .amount. I didnt find it.

    And you still not reply to my question: how to set all product grids to same height?
    Other themes set this by using min-height/max-height.
    So all product grids have same height independently of the conten.

    We stuck now for days here and still ask the same question. We are going to report that issue on themeforest/envato and write review how we stuck in simple questions without any first response. 🙁 At the same time other supporter response after 1 hour to same question with final feedback and solve it. Why you are not able to help me and reply only to one question and does not help to second question please?

    Theme Settings > Shop > Product styles > Product title lines limit
    This option only will not help. Because some of our grids contain sometimes one more elements. So we need to set a min/max height for that grid also to have a fix height.

    Other themes have this option already and its looking much better to have always a same height for grid.

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by tussibag.
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by tussibag.


    Please check this screen: https://gyazo.com/26726aaf490111e4305121a72ca96667

    Please let us know if you still have a problem instead of trying to find or apply the option, we will help you.

    Best Regards



    Sorry, onace again: Please check again my again attached screenshot.
    I do not asking in it about price/old price sizes.
    I am asking you about the prices for unit price and unit information: for exampe -> 1€ / 1kg.
    I marked that section in screenshot.
    We find solution via cumstom css right now without your help.
    But you say we are able to change that also via selector dropdown. I dont find that in dropdown. Please tell me which one i have to select, so i can remove my custom css from custom css section.

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    Have you solved the issue with the code you found?

    If you haven not, please provide the page URL shown on your initial screen I will provide the selector you can insert in the Advanced typography.

    Best Regards



    “Have you solved the issue with the code you found? ”
    We adding custom css because there is no selector for the requiered element. Yes, we solved one issue by custom css.

    2) But on on July 7, 2023 at 10:10 am i wrote:
    But you say we are able to change that also via selector dropdown. I dont find that in dropdown. Please tell me which one i have to select, so i can remove my custom css from custom css section.”
    It woud be great, if you tell me the name of selector after waiting 14 days for now. 🙁

    3) And still open question after 3 weeks:
    In my message from July 7 at 10:10 you will see a screenshot again with a blue line.
    The blue line mark the different height for boxes.
    Other professional themes provide option to set all product grids to same height regardless of how many elements or title lines the product have. How to do this with woodmart also? I dont wanna have ugly product boxes/grid.


    We have +40 active licence. And we think about to cancle our partnership with all +40 licences with woodmart. Because we have feeeling the support going slower and slower and not going into details. We stuck here for weeks with that basics question. Thats not a cool feeling for us and for our +40 clients.


    Bogdan Donovan


    Sorry for the misunderstanding, our theme has the option to equalize the product grid depending on the height of the products in the same row. This option is called “Even product grid” and can be controlled separately for desktop, tablet, and mobile (https://prnt.sc/0JH49JJgR2kR). This option is adding space above the product price to stretch smaller products to the height of higher products, but since you are using a plugin that’s add second price, extra indents may appear and if you enable “Even product grid” you also need to use the following custom code to reset plugin price margin.

    body .product-grid-item .price.wc-gzd-additional-info {
    	margin-top: 5px;

    After you have done this, your product grid row will look like this (https://prnt.sc/Hcp5JA1SOfDF).

    Our theme also has other options to equalize product height with different content heights, such as
    “Product title lines limit” and “Show empty star rating” (https://prnt.sc/iHg2eabj1R8d). The reason why the Woodmart theme didn’t have a “minimum product title height” option is that adding min-height to the product title will create an unsolvable issue with the product row where all product titles initially were in one row by adding empty space after it (https://gyazo.com/f8eebe28dd55634aca5bc69286e02ca8).

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi Bogdan,

    thank you for your detailed and fast feedback.
    I added all options. But if you check our website you still see ugly product boxes like in outdated shopsystem xtcommerce. 😉 Most of all modern themes have options to controle that and set sized to “equal height”.
    Check my startpage and scroll down and you will see boxed in many height sizes. Thats not looking good. If we switch to another good theme we have same sizes for all. How to have this also?




    You need to crop the images to get the same hight in the Appearance> Customize > Woocommerce > Images.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    “You need to crop the images to get the same hight in the Appearance> Customize > Woocommerce > Images. ”
    Did you ever checked our site and screenshots? We already setup all images to same hight!
    Check our website or screenshot again pls. Please help us, we stuck in that basic issues for some weeks now and you are not able to check our screenshot?! 🙁 So again i reply and we again need to wait. What happend to great support of woodmart?!

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    Bogdan Donovan


    I have checked your homepage and found that option “Even product grid” option is not enabled on all of your homepage product elements. (video https://gyazo.com/cf3b18c90e686e24a36379c453d96f82). Please enable it and check again.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you. This solved my issue. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by tussibag.

    You are welcome!

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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