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Edit product labels

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  • #575455


    Good afternoon, WoodMart team.

    I would like to know the procedure if it is possible to change the product labels to some custom ones, such as a purple label that says “refurbished”.

    If it is possible, please, is there any instruction or step to follow?
    Thank you very much.

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    Hung Pham

    Hello hector.editor98,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    1. If you want to change default Product labels:

    + In order to change / translate words. Please make sure you synced the strings first before changing / translating WooCommerce, WoodMart Core plugins and WoodMart theme. You can refer to article https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-translation/

    + You are also need to select the language for the backend and theme settings for admin from the admin user profile, please edit the user’s profile and then select the language for that user it will show the same on the backend.

    2. In order to create a custom label, navigate to Products > Attributes > create attribute > then add terms to created attribute – https://prnt.sc/tqzG6kgJCwEQ, https://prnt.sc/yq_ZcONu22_n

    Edit the attribute itself – https://prnt.sc/ExOeF6K7T_U3 and enable the Show attribute label on products option – https://prnt.sc/7vckb4xRhteN

    Edit the product for which you want to show the custom label and assign that custom label attribute to the product – https://prnt.sc/QGfKsahh3O9a

    As a result the custom label will be shown. https://prnt.sc/Oepo-lw1A_l7

    Best Regards



    Thank you very much, I just have a pending question, if for example my label is “Refurbished” the length of the words is very large, is there any way to modify the font size?

    Because the word is so long, it has a spacing that I do not want to appear, could you help me, please?


    Hung Pham

    Hi hector.editor98,

    Go to Theme Settings > Typography > Advanced. In this area, you can assign elements to below Custom Class https://prnt.sc/QNQoiZROJwO1

    .product-labels.labels-rounded span.product-label

    Please refer to our documentation https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/advanced-typography-settings/




    Thank you very much




    How come my request for assistance is ignored?



    Hung Pham

    Hi emanuele,

    Sorry for the inconveniences. I answered to your topic, please do not submit in other topics.


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